American Made – Preview

Tom Cruise’s next contribution to the movie-going public will be American Made. We at Buttered Popcorn are SO excited about the upcoming release that we are doing something new!   Okay, okay, everything we do is new, we’ve been open all of 24-hours, but you know what we mean.  We’re going to do a Movie Preview – a discussion of the trailer, and why we’re so excited for this new film.

Based on a True Lie:
We love the fact that this is based on a true story – or at least very loosely based, if we’re to believe the enigmatic tagline.  Tom Cruise will portray Barry Seal, a real airline pilot who is enlisted by the CIA to infiltrate drug cartels, gun running schemes, and other general mischief.  There’s something so special about watching a movie that’s based (however loosely) on a true story.  We look forward to guessing what’s real and what’s embellished, and we love the idea of never actually knowing.  (Or, obsessively searching for details about the true life story – it could go either way here.)


You boys shoulda took the Caddies:
This movie looks so FUNNY. It looks stressful as all shit, but it looks like there will be a lot of humor in it, too, and Buttered Popcorn loves to laugh! We cant wait to see how the balance plays out in the film. But judging from the preview, were going to be rolling around in our seats when were not biting our nails at the government-intrigue-induced suspense.


It gets crazy from here:
This movie looks so stressful! There’s obviously lots of humor, and lots of action, but from the hints that we can see in images like the one above, we can tell that there are going to be some poignant moments, and some real tension.  CAN’T.  WAIT.


Tom Cruise wearing old school clothes:
Do we have to explain this? We didn’t think so.

Wish list!
We, like most people, are aware that previews can be big giant LIARS. How many times have you seen something in a preview that you loved, only to be disappointed when it didn’t show up in the finished movie? Well! We’re setting ourselves up for disappointment right now! Here are some clips we sincerely hope will not be left on the cutting room floor:

  • “Whatever you need, boss.”  That little “Oooooh-KAY” face must stay!  We can tell Barry doesn’t think this is going to end well, but he’s gonna tow the line.  It’s the government, after all!
  • “We can stop now.”  We kinda like the idea that Barry is narrating this to someone (as is seen in the theatrical trailer).  We’ll see how that plays out!
  • “You trust me, right?”  Okay, this is a repetition, and we’re pretty sure they’re not going to cut it, but it’s SO funny when Barry asks his wife, “You trust me, right?” and she looks at him in all seriousness and says, “NO!”

Favorite image: 
Here’s our favorite pic from the preview:


We loved the song from the theatrical trailer. The one from the standard trailer is great, too, but we are IN LOVE with the one from the trailer in theaters!  The song is called “What Makes a Good Man?” from a group called The Heavy.  We found it, bought it, and have now been playing it on repeat for about 85 hours with visions of Tom Cruise dancing in our heads.  Want to get hooked, too?  We’ll link to the song below.  We’ll also include a link to the song from the regular trailer.  It’s called “The Devil You Know” by X Ambassadors.

Final Verdict:
Of COURSE, we are going to see this movie.  We’ll probably end up watching it in theaters somewhere between 5-20 times, if we know ourselves.  Action, comedy, feelings, Tom Cruise wearing button-downs and long hair??  SIGN US UP!  The movie will be released in US theaters September 29th.  Mark your calendars, and join us for some fun!  We should have a review for the movie up within a few weeks of movie release.

2 thoughts on “American Made – Preview”

  1. OMG YES Tom looks so good in this movie. Looks pretty funny too. TC with long hair <3 Good article!

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