Welcome to Tom Cruise Tuesday!
It’s that special day where we take a moment to celebrate Tom Cruise!
We recently found a great article called “In Defense of Tom Cruise”. We loved it so much that we contacted the author (Tom Eames, formerly at DigitalSpy.com), and asked if he would mind us featuring it on Tom Cruise Tuesday. He kindly agreed!
What better place to talk about it than our “Kind Words about Tom” feature? First off, please feel free to click here to read the article. It’s got a point-by-point discussion of some of the biggest arguments people make for why they claim they don’t like Tom Cruise, and Eames argues them each down, point by point! It’s pretty awesome, and it’s gratifying to see that someone else has noticed the unfair way Tom is treated in everyday conversations, and in (most of) the press.
We’ve wanted to make a post about this kind of thing for a while, but words have failed us. Now, we’ve been inspired to go ahead and get it off our chest, partly because Mr. Eames has done most of it for us by defending Tom against these unfounded, but somehow ubiquitous negative opinions of Tom.

Any Tom Cruise fan who actually admits they’re a fan has had to deal with these kinds of arguments: “You like him? He’s crazy?” “Scientology is weird.” “What about that time on Oprah?” We’ve had to defend the fact that we like a guy who is massively talented, prolific, passionate about his job, genuinely caring to fans, and a sweet guy. Why do we have to explain why we like a guy who rushed in to save a woman from muggers, paid the medical bills for a hit and run victim just because he happened to be there, and rearranged a filming schedule so a crew member could get home to his family in a time of crisis? Why do we have to be made to feel as if we’re strange for liking a man who has been working to entertain us (and doing an excellent job of it) for over three decades?

Well, never fear! As Tom Eames logically points out, Tom fans are NOT alone! “You’ll struggle to find anyone who admits to liking him,” Eames writes. “Yet most people must clearly be lying.”
This is SO TRUE. Sometimes it feels like you can’t find someone who admits they love Tom, or you find people who have to qualify their appreciation – people say things like, “Even though he’s nuts, I still like him”. They can’t just let the statement stand – “I love Tom Cruise!” But judging from ticket sales, the evidence says lots more people love Tom than are willing to admit.

Why do we have to be made to feel as if we’re strange for liking a man who has been working to entertain us (and doing an excellent job of it) for over three decades?
But never fear! Everyone who loves Tom Cruise is welcome here, whether they feel safe saying so in real life or not. You can always feel safe to spread the TC love at Buttered Popcorn! We are a safe place for Tom fans to express their love without worrying about being judged. And just remember, if you ever feel alone, or as if there aren’t that many Tom Cruise fans out there, statistics show – most people who say they don’t like Tom Cruise? They’re lyin’. XD

We hope you have enjoyed today’s Tom Cruise Tuesday! Special thanks to Tom Eames for giving us permission to feature his work on our site. Look him up on Twitter:
Tom Eames personal Twitter
Two Geeks Pop Culture Podcast
See you next week!
Words cannot describe how much I love Tom as a person and as an actor, I’m even willing to defend him against anyone who dislikes him over his personal beliefs or private life because if you don’t like Tom based on a tabloid lie or for being a Scientologist then I have no respect for scumbags like you. There is no movie star like Tom Cruise whose films have always grossed over 100 million dollars in the last three decades, has a day in his honor in Japan and has millions of fans in the world who line up at premieres just to get his autograph or take a picture, heck even Oscar winners (Denzel Washington, George Clooney, Leo DiCaprio, etc.) don’t have an ounce of charisma like him. Fellow actors, directors, producers, crew members and TV hosts who worked closely with Tom have nothing but good things to say about him and they mention just how humble and kind he is with people including his own fans, even kids look happy when they meet him because of his unique charm. Nowadays, we’ve heard of celebrities who have done horrible things to women and kids after the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse scandal broke out and thank God Tom never turned out like Kevin Spacey or Alec Baldwin because he’s a gentleman who would never mistreat a woman or bully others. Tom is an angel and I’m proud to be his fan for life.
I love him too, he’s a really kind and dedicated guy, always doing his best.