It’s time for our favorite day of the week! Tom Cruise Tuesday! It’s time to celebrate Tom, and what better way to start off the new year than with a picture post?
As you probably already know, American Made comes out on DVD and BluRay today! If you haven’t gone out to get this, or gotten the digital copy, you gotta fix that, stat! It’s absolutely worth all the fuss! And while you’re in an American Made mood, why not take a look at our review of this awesome movie?
We’ve got plenty of pictures of Barry Seal gracing our website, so… here’s another one! Lol, you didn’t think we were going to do something else, did you?

No, Barry, your level of cuteness is NOT legal! ;p
Thanks for joining us! Come back next week, where we will share more more lovely words and images of our favorite star. Don’t forget to check out our other American Made posts at Buttered Popcorn:
American Made: Preview
American Made: Trivia Time
First Impressions
Why Critics Love American Made
American Made movie review
Happy New Year 2018 and of course, Happy Tom Cruise Tuesday. 🙂
Barry Seal is so damn cute!
Happy New Year!! 😀 He’s the most adorable, isn’t he? ^^! The perfect way to start the new year off!