Unboxing: American Made – Amazon BluRay

Happy Tom Cruise Tuesday! American Made came out on BluRay three weeks ago today! We’ve decided to celebrate Tom by doing an unboxing of this great movie!

If you haven’t seen it yet, hurry out and get a copy! Or better yet, stay inside and order the digital copy, so that you can take in anywhere. Hey, why not do both?? That’s what we did!

Now, let’s take a look!

Slip cover: Front

Nice! We’re just gonna say right now that being greeted by this lovely image right out of the package was WON-DER-FUL!

Slip cover and BluRay Box together

TWINS! No, just kidding, the world couldn’t survive two Barry Seals.

Sip cover: Back

Agreed, this is Tom Cruise at his best! But… actually, Tom is always at his best, so we’re not sure how to take this statement. XD

Check out the bonus features! Cant wait to dig in!
Comes with a little sheet with info about the digital copy.
Nice! the BluRay copy is a sleek black color!
The DVD is a sexy red!

We’re very pleased with the presentation on the “American Made” BluRay, multi-format copy. We remember that “The Mummy
BluRay was just the standard white and blue, and this is a nice improvement, and goes with the color scheme of the packaging. Looking good!

But of course, the most important thing about the BluRay and DVD is what’s playing! Check it out, and enjoy one of the most talked-about, highly praised Tom Cruise movies in years!

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