Tom Cruise Tuesday! – Newsworthy: Fallout Trailer

Guys!! I’m sure you’ve already seen this, but nothing wrong with taking another look! The Mission: Impossible – Fallout trailer dropped Sunday, and we are SO excited!!

I mean… SPEECHLESS!! We’ll just let that sit there for a bit…

Okay, that’s enough meditating on the awesomeness that is this trailer, it’s time to scream about it!!

We are absolutely FLOORED! The suspense, the intensity, the ETHAN JDHAKJGJEIDUINSVRKMAKWURHBF
!!!!!!!!!! *DED* WE CAN NOT WAAAAAAAAIT!!!!!!

Favorite quote? “Maybe we should reconsider that.” WE ALMOST DIEEEEED!!!!!

How about you?? What’s your favorite part? We might make a more coherent post soon but for now, thanks for joining us on Tom Cruise Tuesday!!

2 thoughts on “Tom Cruise Tuesday! – Newsworthy: Fallout Trailer”

  1. When Tom does his dangerous stunts and I give him credit when he decided to include that scene after breaking his ankle in the movie. I really look forward to see Mission:Impossible Fallout and I’m going to need more popcorn when I go to the theater.

    1. We can’t wait for the movie, either! I think Chris McQuarrie said in his Empire interview that he would HAVE to include the scene, after Tom broke his ankle. They couldn’t possibly waste that take, so I can’t wait to see it when it comes out!

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