Tom Cruise Tuesday! – Picture Day

Hey guys! Welcome to another Tom Cruise Tuesday! It’s the time we set aside to celebrate our favorite guy – Tom Cruise!

We’d like to present a special picture day today. If you’re a Tom Cruise fan, then you’ve definitely heard the tired old complaint that Tom “always plays the same character” in his movies. It doesn’t matter how different his characters are, you can’t escape hearing that from at least one person in your life.

Well! We’ve put together a little collection of pictures that you can refer to when people hit you with that nonsense criticism. Our little collection has the added benefit of being full of his handsome face! XD

Let’s start with this lovely number:

To be fair, Tom has played this character six times. But since he’s… the SAME PERSON, we don’t think this counts against him.

Melt that butter and read on!

In Defense of David Aames (Character Study – Vanilla Sky)

Oh, look at us doing something new! We have been toying with the idea of dedicating posts to certain characters, and we’re flexing our fingers by trying it out with David Aames! If you’re looking for our Vanilla Sky movie review, look no further! This post may or may not make more sense if you read this after you read the movie review. But it will definitely make more sense if you have seen the movie first.

Go ahead. We’ll wait.  Here’s a handy link for you:

Okay! You went? You watched the movie? Great!

Now let’s get started!

***Spoilers beyond this point!***

Pop that popcorn and read on!

Vanilla Sky

Ready to get metaphysical? Time for a wild ride, as Buttered Popcorn dives into the mysterious, exciting, poignant and disturbing world of Tom Cruise’s 2001 winter offering, Vanilla Sky

Smartass Summary: The one with the bomb soundtrack.

Slightly less smartass summary: Tom Cruise gets plastic surgery.

Ok ok, REAL summary: Guy with daddy issues learns who his true friends are.

Overall opinion:
Buttered Popcorn loves this movie! It’s full of drama, romance, and emotional intensity, and the plot has twists and turns that will make your jaw drop. You’re invited to follow David Aames (Jr.) through his “brilliant journey of self awakening”, during which he learns much – about himself, about his friends, about the nature of life and death. And it’s all framed by visually stunning scenes and absolutely amazing music! In other words – watch it!

Go ahead… We’ll wait. Here’s a handy link for you.

Seriously, because we’re gonna spoil it soon, so if you haven’t watched it yet, go on over, grab the movie and watch away.

Done? Great! Now, let’s get started!

***Spoilers beyond this point!***

Melt that butter and read on!