Happy Tom Cruise Tuesday! We’re extra excited about Tom Cruise Tuesday today! Why? Because it’s also TOM CRUISE DAY!! October 6th has been declared Tom Cruise Day in Japan – in celebration of the fact that, at the time, Tom had visited Japan more than any other country.
What can we say, they have the ABSOLUTE correct idea! Celebrating Tom Cruise is always a good idea. We hope that you will take a couple of hours out of your day to celebrate the awesomesauce that is Tom Cruise. Today, we have decided to celebrate the movie that was released the same year Tom Cruise Day was created: 2006! What movie came out in 2006? “Mission: Impossible III!”
Haven’t seen it recently? Want to?? (Why wouldn’t you?) Check out the link below for more info.
Without further ado, here’s some great pics from a great movie! Here’s a nice one to start us off: